Risultati di Apprendimento

Dublino – estate 2022

Tutti i Learning Agreements dei singoli docenti sono depositati presso l’ufficio contabilità della scuola e non pubblicati sul sito per ragioni di privacy in quanto contengono informazioni private. Riportiamo la parte inerente i risultati di apprendimento. 

Learning Outcomes per i corsi B1

Outcome: B1 level English course
Relevant subject, skill or competence:The course focuses on functional language use. The course focuses on each of the core language skills:• reading
• writing
• listening
• speakingThe level at the end of the course is B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference
Is able to understand the main points of clear texts in standard language if they are about topics with which they are familiar, whether in work, study or leisure contexts.
Can cope with most of the situations that might arise on a trip to areas where the language is used.
Is able to produce simple, coherent texts about topics with which they are familiar or in which they have a personal interest.
Can describe experiences, events, wishes and aspirations, as well as briefly justifying opinions or explaining plans.

Learning programme and tasks

To achieve the agreed learning outcomes, the participant will complete the following activities and tasks during their mobility activity:

By the end of week 1 students will be able to:

-Brainstorm and talk about different forms of communication

-Describe experiences in the present

-Give and respond to opinions

-Write a guide: introducing a pronoun and referent pronouns

Students will also be able to use:

-Subject and object questions

-Vocabulary for communication

-Present simple and continuous

-Gradable and extreme adjectives

Me too/ me neither better

By the end of week 2 students will be able to:

-Talk about experiences of work and training 

-Talk about technology 

-Make and respond to suggestions 

-Write an email giving news 

Students will also be able to use: 

-Present perfect simple and past simple 

-Vocabulary related to work 

-Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous

-Vocabulary to talk about technology 

-Stress placement to sound sympathetic 

-Talk about work related experiences 

-Give and respond to opinions using me too, me, neither

-Make and respond to suggestions; sounding sympathetic or pleased

-Sentence stress on main and auxiliary verb

Learning outcomes per i corsi B2

Outcome: B2 level English course
Relevant subject, skill or competence:The course focuses on functional language use. The course focuses on each of the core language skills:• reading
• writing
• listening
• speakingThe level at the end of the course is B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference
Is able to understand the main points of clear texts in standard language if they are about topics with which they are familiar, whether in work, study or leisure contexts.
Can cope with most of the situations that might arise on a trip to areas where the language is used.
Is able to produce simple, coherent texts about topics with which they are familiar or in which they have a personal interest.
Can describe experiences, events, wishes and aspirations, as well as briefly justifying opinions or explaining plans.

Learning programme and tasks

To achieve the agreed learning outcomes, the participant will complete the following activities and tasks during their mobility activity.

By the end of week 1 students will be able to:

-Brainstorm and talk about different forms of communication

-Describe experiences in the present

-Give and respond to opinions

-Write a guide: introducing a pronoun and referent pronouns

Students will also be able to use:

-Subject and object questions

-Vocabulary for communication

-Present simple and continuous

-Gradable and extreme adjectives

Me too/ me neither better

By the end of week 2 students will be able to:

-Talk about experiences of work and training 

-Talk about technology 

-Make and respond to suggestions 

-Write an email giving news 

Students will also be able to use: 

-Present perfect simple and past simple 

-Vocabulary related to work 

-Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous

-Vocabulary to talk about technology 

-Stress placement to sound sympathetic 

-Talk about work related experiences 

-Give and respond to opinions using me too, me, neither

-Make and respond to suggestions; sounding sympathetic or pleased

-Sentence stress on main and auxiliary verb

Learning Outcomes per i corsi di Metodologia CLIL:

Outcome: CLIL Methodology
Relevant subject, skill or competence:
• Practise and refresh general language skills
• Discuss learning styles & relevant teaching methodology and lesson planning
• Learn creative and new methods
• Integrate with students of other cultures and different learning ability
• Practise new skills in workshops
• Reflect on ways to motivate students
• Address job-specific vocabulary and language
• Share experiences and views with colleagues and students from other EU regions
• Find out about Irish culture
The skills and competences acquired by the teacher during the mobility aim at introducing CLIL modules in the learning process of pupils.

Learning programme and tasks

To achieve the agreed learning outcomes, the participant will complete the following activities and tasks during their mobility activity:

Course Overview
This course combines the latest in best practice in general pedagogy, the utilisation of certain online tools for education, and the integration of content and language in the modern classroom. In this course, the participants will be given a general introduction to the key tenets of the integration of content into the language classroom, and the integration of language development into the subject classroom.
Course Aims
The primary aim of this course is to give each participant a clear idea of the nature of content and language integration and to help them build a roadmap for the integration of these two areas in their classroom. This course gives participants practical advice and tools to help them through this process. The creation of a community of best practice among the participants of this course helps the course aims develop and personalise.Who is this course suitable for?
This course has been created with a focus on teachers who are currently in the process of integrating CLIL workings into their classroom. It will support teachers who have a limited experience of CLIL, and give a solid groundwork of information and best practice to teachers who have never experienced a CLIL lesson.
What is in this course?
There is blend of synchronous and asynchronous content and task, as evidenced in the timetable. This allows for a great deal of differentiation which ensures that the course is able to focus on supporting each teacher within the realm of their own particular needs and expectations.